My name is Alex Bennée. I am FLOSS (Free, Libera and Open Source) developer based in South Wales. This collection of superficially glossy HTML is my excuse for a home page.
Who am I
- I am a geek hacker who writes code
- I trained as a scientist, I still ask questions.
- I am a fan of Linux because it is versatile and I can play with it.
- I am into the concept of free and open source software. There is a lot to be said for not re-inventing the wheel.
What's on this website?
Nothing much any more apart from my blog where most of my long form pontifications are. I pushed most of the hosting onto other sites (see the links up top).
I also post short random musings on Mastodon.
The posts used to be mirrored on TwitterX?
but since Elon's takeover the APIs no longer work and I very rarely
visit these days.